Flight School Information
Western Michigan University is located in Michigan
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Western Michigan University   City: Battle Creek
Western Michigan University is a dynamic, student-centered research university with an enrollment of 25,000. WMU is focused on delivering high-quality undergraduate instruction, advancing its growing graduate division and fostering significant research activities. The College of Aviation at Western Michigan University offers the only comprehensive aviation program at a public university in Michigan, and with over 700 undergraduate students, is one of the largest aviation programs in the nation. Backed by over 70 years of aviation experience and our excellent industry reputation, the College of Aviation is a powerful force in the future of aviation training. Majors: - Aviation Flight Science (B.S.) - Aviation Management and Operations (B.S.) - Aviation Maintenance Technology (B.S.) Other electives: - Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) The College of Aviation's vision is to establish and maintain state-of-the-art, world-class professional aviation programs that are among the best in the world. We are examining the very ways we teach and pioneering revolutionary new methods of instruction designed to improve a pilot's ability to fly and to work efficiently with a crew. The College of Aviation produces graduates who think critically, communicate effectively, and participate meaningfully and ethically in the dynamic field of aviation.

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