Flight School Information
Eastern Kentucky University is located in Kentucky
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Eastern Kentucky University   City: Richmond
Eastern Kentucky University, an accredited institution, was approved in 1991 to offer a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation with Professional Flight and Aviation Administration options. The courses available will enhance the student’s occupational opportunities in aviation and related industries as well as provide support for degrees in various technical and business fields. In acquiring the degree with the Professional Flight option, a student will attain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Licenses as a Private and Commercial Pilot, an Instrument Rating, a Certified Flight Instrument Instructor Rating, and a Multi-Engine Rating. Total flight hours accrued at graduation will be between 250-300 hours which qualifies the graduate for an entry-level position, primarily as a flight instructor. Advancement to charter, corporate, commuter and major air carriers are normal career progressions based upon experience and total flight hours. The Aviation Administration option includes courses designed to provide the background for employment in a wide variety of aerospace businesses.

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