Flight School Information
Airline Ground Schools is located in Kentucky
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Airline Ground Schools   City: Covington
Airline Ground Schools (AGS) has been teaching Air Transport Pilot (ATP), Flight Engineer (FEX), and Aircraft Dispatcher (ADX) test preparation for 40 years. Airline Ground Schools has over 58,000 pilot & flight dispatcher grads! We specialize in airline dispatcher training. No previous AVIATION experience is required to train as an aircraft dispatcher. If you are looking for a career change, Airline Ground Schools can train you for an exciting & rewarding career as a flight dispatcher working directly for an airline in their Flight Operations Department. Our instructors are employed by the airlines as flight dispatchers and airline pilots. Airline Ground Schools presents the program on a real-world basis; not just from an academic point of view. AGS is also a subcontractor to several airlines providing Initial, Upgrade, Recurrent and CRM training for flight dispatchers, flight followers, and pilots.

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