Flight School Information
Mauna Loa Helicopters is located in Hawaii
This Flight School page has been visited: 5073 times.
Mauna Loa Helicopters   City: Kailua/Kona

Welcome to one of the country’s top helicopter training schools. Our focus from day one is to guide our student pilots on a path to career success. At Mauna Loa we give you the training you need to become a confident and competent professional, prepared to work anywhere in the world. We are located on two of the tropical islands in the Hawaiian chain. Mauna Loa emphasizes quality helicopter training in the diverse environment that makes up Hawaii. You are about to embark on perhaps the greatest adventure of your life. Mauna Loa will provide you the knowledge and skills you need to start on a rewarding and promising career in aviation. You can learn to fly anywhere you want, why not train in one of the most stunning places on earth?


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