Flight School Information
FlightSafety Academy is located in Florida
This Flight School page has been visited: 3523 times.
FlightSafety Academy   City: Vero Beach
FlightSafety Academy doesn't just train pilots to be excellent. We train pilots who get hired. That's been our job for nearly 40 years, and now approximately 13,000 of our graduates fly for 62 airlines and more than 100 corporate flight departments. With FlightSafety Academy on your resume, you have serious competitive advantage. The job-placement rate for our advanced airline training and professional pilot programs stands at more than 98 percent. Just what you'd expect from the premier flight academy backed by the world leader in pilot training, FlightSafety International. Whatever your career goals - flying an airliner or a corporate jet for a Fortune 500 CEO, or instructing other aspiring professional pilots - we have a track that's right for you. Chart your flight plan for success. At FlightSafety Academy you can.

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