Flight School Information
United Flight Services is located in California
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United Flight Services   City: Watsonville
United Flight Services (UFS) is located on California's Central Coast in the town of Watsonville. Situated on Watsonville's Municipal Airport, UFS has provided top quality flight instruction and aircraft rentals since 1966. Our team of professional flight instructors and crew has certified hundreds of beginning to advanced pilots of all ages and backgrounds. With an emphasis of safety and knowledge, our Learn-to-Fly™ programs are designed to teach first time pilots the art of aviation in a safe and professional environment. Our instructors come equipped with decades of experience and in-depth knowledge of today's flight regulations. In addition to flight instruction, we also provide aircraft rentals to certified pilots and any student enrolled in our Learn-to-Fly™ programs. Each plane is regularly maintained by certified, highly-skilled mechanics. Our team of aircraft mechanics also provides maintenance services on a time and materials basis. Affordable and safe aviation is not just a dream anymore. Call United Flight Services and allow us to introduce you to the world of flying. Take a test flight with one of our instructors or jump right into one of our Learn-to-Fly™ programs.

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