Flight School Information
flyingsfo.com is located in California
This Flight School page has been visited: 3890 times.
flyingsfo.com   City: San Francisco
Most people can earn their private pilot's license in as little as three to six months while taking flying lessons once or twice a week! Then, imagine an hour flight to Tahoe above the crowds and the traffic, instead of the 4 or sometimes 5 hours it takes to get there in a car! Imagine taking your friends and family on a scenic flight over downtown San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge! This is all possible as a private pilot! Offering personalized and professional flight instruction in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have experience as a working executive in the high tech industry and understand what it takes to make your flying goals a reality under the constraints and pressures of everyday life in the Silicon Valley and will work with you to realize those goals! I am a full time Certified Flight Instructor serving the greater San Francisco Bay Area. If you own your own aircraft, I'd be happy to fly with you out of San Carlos, Oakland, Palo Alto or Gnoss Field. Most people, however, will need join a flying club and rent aircraft. For your convenience, I am affiliated with two flying clubs, serving three

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